Alcohol and Aging: Does Drinking Make You Look Older?

does alcohol make you look older

While we might not notice the effect of drinking on our cells, alcohol can speed up our aging process in many other ways. One of the most visible impacts alcohol can have is on our complexion, as drinking excessively is known to cause redness and dry, wrinkly skin. Although alcohol might make you feel more relaxed in the moment, in the long run it can increase anxiety and depression, feeding into a negative cycle. And then there are the frequent hangovers from binge drinking.

  • Another more recent study found that any amount of alcohol causes harm to the brain.
  • Drinking alcohol can pull more water out of your body and make your chances of dehydration even higher.
  • Lighter-colored drinks, such as vodka, gin, and tequila, have fewer ingredients and are digested more quickly by the body.

It Can Slow Your Brain

Also, a person with a misuse disorder may experience early signs of aging on his or her body. Along with a person’s exterior weight and skin, there are other aging issues that are related to excessive drinking. It becomes difficult to drug addiction plan, pay attention, remember information, and learn.

does alcohol make you look older

Take the First Step Towards a Healthier Life

  • Alcohol tolerance can be significantly diminished as people age, and the effects of alcohol can be exacerbated due to an array of factors.
  • “Stress hormones cause your blood vessels to constrict, and chronic stress increases your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.
  • Feeling better inside almost always means looking better on the outside.
  • While you may not be able to reverse some of the damage that excessive alcohol use has already been done, there are certain things you can do in order to make sure the issues don’t get worse.
  • He or she may stuff themselves with food or simply pass out in bed at the end of the night.
  • Also, it may worsen pre-existing conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure.

In terms of color and texture, dehydrated skin might appear dry and unhealthy. How alcohol ages your skin is an important question to know the answer to. While a drink with friends once in a while isn’t going to hurt, data suggests that alcohol and aging are linked. Limiting the amount of alcohol you drink, and having plenty of water or soft drinks between alcoholic drinks can help avoid dehydration – which is also the main cause of a hangover. A RAND corporation study found a 41% increase of heavy drinking (four or more drinks on one occasion) among women during the pandemic. When uncertainty about, well, everything, was too much to bear, I found solace in a glass of wine.

Drink Non-Alcoholic Alternatives

does alcohol make you look older

If you drink it in moderation (about one glass a day), some studies show that it might be good for your heart. But too much can lead to an abnormal heartbeat and high blood pressure. Every alcoholic drink goes “straight to your head,” or at least to your brain. Heavy drinking over a long time can shrink brain cells and lead to alcohol-related brain damage (ARBD) and certain types of dementia. Symptoms of that include lack of judgment, organization, or emotional control, trouble staying focused, and anger issues.

Over time, continual = bloodshot eyes due to excessive alcohol use can lead to the depletion of nutrients. This can also lead to impaired eyesight and the need for glasses, contacts, or surgery to correct your vision. If you’re someone that is a heavy drinker, chances are you have begun noticing changes to your body over time. For example, you may notice unexplained weight gain or changes in your skin. In some cases, you may even notice that minor ailments due to alcohol consumption are now becoming more serious. They studied beer, wine, liquor and “total alcohol” (sum of the three alcoholic beverages consumed by an individual).

  • As you age and your metabolism decreases, eating like you used to as a teenager or young adult can lead to weight gain.
  • Drinking while taking medications across a host of drug classes also can cause serious side effects in older adults, especially drugs with sedative effects.
  • It stimulates the release of additional stress hormones in the body, hastening the aging process.
  • Although alcohol may make you feel calmer in the short term, it can cause anxiety and despair, in the long run, perpetuating a negative cycle.
  • Red wine has antioxidants called polyphenols that may help your cholesterol level and protect your blood vessels.
  • Some types of dementia and alcohol-related brain damage develop as your brain cells shrink.

The Link Between Alcohol and Aging

does alcohol make you look older

He or she may stuff themselves with food or simply pass out in bed at the end of the night. In the moment, it becomes easy to forget to practice a normal hygiene routine. For instance, a person may forget to wash their face or brush does alcohol make you look older their teeth.

does alcohol make you look older

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